If you have concerns any safeguarding concerns which you wish
to raise outside the club we suggest the following options:
If you believe that there is immediate risk to a young person call 999
Children and younger people can find lots of information here - https://www.childline.org.uk/kids/
The NSPCC have a very helpful website here - https://nspcc.org.uk
British Canoeing have a Safeguarding Officer who may be contacted on 0115 8968842
or by email at [email protected]
Otherwise Cumbria Safeguarding Children Partnership on 0300 3732724 or by clicking here
and / or
Westmorland and Furness Local Authority Designated Officer on 0300 3033897
or by email to [email protected]
to raise outside the club we suggest the following options:
If you believe that there is immediate risk to a young person call 999
Children and younger people can find lots of information here - https://www.childline.org.uk/kids/
The NSPCC have a very helpful website here - https://nspcc.org.uk
British Canoeing have a Safeguarding Officer who may be contacted on 0115 8968842
or by email at [email protected]
Otherwise Cumbria Safeguarding Children Partnership on 0300 3732724 or by clicking here
and / or
Westmorland and Furness Local Authority Designated Officer on 0300 3033897
or by email to [email protected]